Walking Planks with Dumbbells

This is another one of my go-to exercise moves. It really is a great way to engage the core and challenge your upper body at the same time.

*How to pictures at the bottom!

Target Muscles:

Abs, lower back, chest, shoulders

How To:

  • Lie face down with legs extended out behind you and feet together
  • With weights in each hand (3-10lbs) place your hands slightly wider than shoulders width apart, palms down, elbows at a 90 degree angle
  • Straighten arms, keeping abs tight and lift up on your toes so your body is flat like a table…get that butt in the air!
  • Move your right hand and foot 3-4” forward…keep you abs tight
  • Walk your left hand about 3-4” forward…simultaneously move your left foot forward 3-4”
  • Continue for instructed number of steps

Important: Keep your spine in line by keeping your eyes focused on the floor and your abs tight…don’t let your body sag on the way up.

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