Wellness Coaching for Moms
Wellness coaching, hmmm? Well, have you ever thought about hiring a personal trainer or dietitian, but you feel there are not enough hours in the day? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you didn’t have to leave your house? I have a solution that helps my clients find the time to fit health and wellness into their hectic lifestyles. I am excited to offer you an up and coming service called Wellness Coaching. We would schedule a time to chat once a week through email or phone calls and talk about pre-pregnancy or post-pregnancy needs. I love this aspect of coaching because it takes away EXCUSES (time) and adds ACCOUNTABILITY (weekly chats). Let me explain… What is a Wellness Coach?
As your coach, I would support you in developing healthy goals and help provide the tools and motivation to reach those goals. Consultations focus strictly on the your needs, and it is you (not the coach) who comes up with solution. You are probably asking yourself how this relates to mom’s … I like to think of the service as a mom’s 911. Let’s say you’re thinking about getting pregnant and you want to make sure that exercise fits in your plan. You could call your coach (me!) and we would talk about how to safely incorporate exercise and set weekly goals to make sure your expectations are met! Let’s say you’re already pregnant, but you have no idea what foods are healthy and what foods you should avoid. You guessed it, call me and we’ll not only chat about a healthy eating plan, but we’ll make sure you have a focus each week to meet your needs. Remember, all of our chats can be over the phone to save you time and annoying travel. I know time is precious, so why waste it going to appointments?!
Who Could Benefit from a Wellness Coach?
- Women trying to get pregnant and concerned with their weight
- Women who are pregnant and need advice on nutrition and fitness
- Women who have gestational diabetes or eclampsia (high blood pressure)
- Women who want to lose baby weight and need advice as well as accountability
- Women who struggle to find time to focus on their own health
- Mom’s who are concerned that their children are overweight/underweight
- Mom’s who struggle with their families (husband, children’s) health
- Mom’s who have kids in sports and worry if their nutrition needs are being met
Coaching Packages:
- 30 minute call once a week ($100 per month or $25 a session)
- 30 minute call once a week plus free email access ($140 per month or $35 a session)
- 60 minute nutrition consultation, 3 follow-up coaching sessions, and free email access ($155 per month)
- 60 minute nutrition consultation ($80 per session)

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